To the Longships!

Incredible Adventure Awaits in Raiders of the Serpent Sea

From the Lead Designer of Neverwinter Nights and Dragon Age: Origins…

Centuries ago, upon a vast, beautiful, and wondrous world, a horde of fiends known as the Yoten warred with the heroic Vanir. Betrayed by their own, the heroes failed and fell, one by one. Only upon the very edge of destruction did the survivors unleash ancient magic to conjure a portal to a new world. They fled through it, sealing it against the Yoten.

They found themselves in a new world, Grimnir. Vast and inhospitable, its forests were foreboding, its sea volatile. Winters ran long and cold and many died in the early years. Yet, it was a land free from their enemies, a place to rebuild.

Raiders of the Serpent Sea is a Viking/Norse-themed setting for the fifth edition of the world’s greatest roleplaying game. Thanks to everyone who has backed the project on Kickstarter. If you are interested in joining us on the Serpent Sea, please consider ordering!

Buy from us directly or view on Modiphius Entertainment’s Product Page
(or scroll down to see more options!)

What’s in the Books


A Norse mythology inspired campaign for 4-6 heroes of levels 1-18+. Almost 500 pages of content to guide game masters through a pre-written campaign where the heroes’ choices significantly affect the world of Grimnir.

New Monster Stat Blocks

Over 100 new statistic blocks for creatures & NPCs inspired by Norse mythology and Viking history. Many of these creatures have their own full page artwork.

New Magical Items

More than a dozen new magical items!

Ships of the Sea

New naval rules and statistic blocks for ships.

Player Options

  • Over 70 pages of content for players
  • New archetypes / subclasses for all core classes
  • 5 new player races
  • 6 epic backgrounds to weave your heroes into the world & story
  • New spells themed to the world of Grimnir


The new Glory system, modeled after the popular Fame system from our predecessor, Odyssey of the Dragonlords, introduces a new “boasting” mechanic where Glory can be wagered… with big pay-offs or devastating losses.

Advanced Rules

Introduces new systems to better manage NPC companions to keep the focus during large-scale battles on the heroic achievements and abilities of the heroes.

Currently Available for Purchase

Player’s Guide

For the raider just setting out on the Serpent Sea… everything they need to know about the world of Grimnir and what they need to survive.

  • 12 new subclasses
  • 80+ page softcover book
  • 5 new player races including the Beastborn, Tuss, Wicker and Tallfolk
  • Additional weapons and spells
  • New longships and sea-faring rules
  • Epic backgrounds to integrate each hero into the story

Campaign Guide

A full campaign inspired by Norse mythology for the game master to take a party of heroes from level 1 to level 18 and beyond.

  • A detailed new world, with a deep history born from a tragic past
  • 450+ page hardcover book
  • Over 100 new statistics blocks with dozens of glorious full page images of the fantastic monsters to be encountered
  • More than a dozen new magical items
  • Advanced sea-faring rules and squad-based combat

Tokens and Other Accessories

Additional art and aides to help run a successful Raiders of the Serpent Sea Campaign!

  • VTT token frames & Example NPC Tokens (Available Now)
  • Ship Tokens to use with VTTs
  • Twelve custom character sheets, one for each new subclass

Fall 2023
Free for Kickstarter Backers

Physical Accessories

We have a few additional tools for Game Masters to make the most of their time on the Serpent Sea!

  • Game Master Cards. 80 monster, NPC, location, and item cards
  • Game Master Screen & Maps. GM screen and companion booklet containing tables of information and other reference material useful for a GM to have at their fingertips
  • Collector’s Edition. A variant of the campaign book with a faux-leather cover… only 500 of these were printed…

Fall 2023

Venture Across Worlds

Two new resources, compatible with Raiders of the Serpent Sea

  • From Stranger Lands – an alternate starting point for the campaign
  • A Weaving of Two Worlds – merge a Raiders of the Serpent campaign with Odyssey of the Dragonlords

Free for Kickstarter Backers

A Strange Island

What unexpected danger awaits a party of sea-faring heroes when they find the Undiscovered Island?

  • A new adventure suitable for either Raiders of the Serpent Sea or Odyssey of the Dragonlords
  • New creature art for a mysterious new foe
  • Additional maps & items

Free for Kickstarter Backers & Pre-Orders

The Raiding Seas

Enjoy the raiding life? Want to explore Grimnir differently than presented in the official campaign for Raiders of the Serpent Sea? Want more raids? More creatures? More ship options? Then join other raiders as they take to The Raiding Seas…

  • Consolidates ship and crew rules and expands upon them
  • Additional sea exploration and combat maps for VTT or printing
  • Island of the Silent Oars — Find Mirgal’s Forgotten Workshop
  • New foes, new monsters, and new variants for the incredible creatures already to be found along the Serpent Sea
  • Random tables to procedurally generate new raids, locate rare commodities, and explore the most remote locations of Grimnir

Winter 2024
Free for Kickstarter backers

Village of Shifting Secrets

Something’s not quite right with the village of Skeio. The characters head across the Serpent Sea, exploring the fertile lands of the Tvar. There they find a mysterious village where, at first, nothing seems amiss…

  • This mid-level adventure is set in Grimnir, the grim Norse-themed world of Viking warriors depicted in Raiders of the Serpent Sea.
  • However, it is easily adapted to any setting and should serve as an exciting side plot for any adventuring group. Suitable for five to six heroes of levels 6 to 8.
  • Over a dozen monster stat blocks!
  • Expanded lore for the Tvar clan
  • Includes maps suitable for virtual tabletops

Available now

And What’s Next…

There is more to come. Sign up to the newsletter to be the first to know when new content makes its way onto the Serpent Sea.

Partner Projects

As a contractor in the games’ industry, I have the opportunity to work on a variety of fantastic roleplaying books. Here’s some of them!

Minsc and Boo’s Journal of Villainy

​Proceeds from this journal go to the Extra Life charity.

We had the opportunity to help create some of the stat blocks for a number of powerful and interesting adversaries.

Chains of Asmodeus

​Proceeds from this setting guide and adventure for the Nine Hells go to the Extra Life charity.

Over the past year, we were involved with rewriting, adventure design, editing, and working on the stat blocks, as well as general project management. This project is stunning, with amazing artwork and loads of lore and monsters and magic items.

Traveler’s Handbook

This book is for a tabletop roleplaying game being built as part of the franchise for the upcoming Exodus videogame. I’ve helped out the team at Archetype with putting this book full of awesome worldbuilding, glorious art, and cool lore together. It is a beautiful book and I’m excited to see what folks have to say about it. 


The Serpent Sea is long and winding and much of it has yet to be explored. Prepare for more adventures in Grimnir in 2024!

The most ambitious wizards crave power and that’s what we’re offering here.  Knowledge is power and a newsletter is a type of knowledge, right?  We might be stretching this premise a bit, but please sign up to our mailing list so you always know when something new has arrived!

Disclaimer: Newsletter content may be from another plane of existence.

Tools and Guides

Available Now

Try them out!


The art of Raiders of the Serpent Sea…

Treasure & World Map

Roll Viking loot & explore Grimnir with random hexcrawl tables

The GM Reference

View the GM Reference Online!

Pronunciation Guide

Speak like a Raider!

Raider Games

Simulations of the social games presented in Raiders of the Serpent Sea

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