VTT Tokens
Hello, Raiders! To this point, most of my updates have either been via the Kickstarter or blog.brentknowles.com. For Raider specific stuff going forward, especially details that would be nice to have some discussion around, the occasional post will appear here. Information updates will also eventually be broadcast via the newsletter.
As I continue to work on getting the print versions ready, I am also working with a developer to put together an awesome Roll20 VTT version of Raiders of the Serpent Sea. They will be creating a slick looking set of VTT tokens for all the monsters and NPCs for use within Roll20. I am also thinking of offering a separate set of tokens via DriveThru… to provide some variety.
So… I’m wondering if there’s any preferred styling from what I’m showing off below?
(Vote here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RotSS/comments/10z6qyf/preferred_vtt_token_style/)